Top 5 open source iOS Repositories to start with this Hacktoberfest 2022

open-source Oct 05, 2022
Top 5 open source iOS Repositories to start with this Hacktoberfest

Just like how people wait for December for the Christmas vibe and ritual the whole year, developers wait for October for the Hacktoberfest. Now you ask what is Hacktoberfest and why should one participate in it?

Hacktoberfest is a month long running event organised by Digital Ocean for encouraging open sourcing, many of the third party pods/dependencies that we use in our day to day development, are open sourced and handled by folks around the community, as you heavily rely on this open source project, you should also think about ways to help the maintainers of the project and the best way to so is by contributing to the open source project itself, be it in code, documentation or testing.

In case you are clueless about what is open sourced code is, it a code or collection of code shared in a public repo which is free to modify and redistribution, e.g. Moya, Alamofire, IQKeyboardManager.

Why should you apply for Hacktoberfest?

  • It gets you exposure by working on large scale production projects
  • You get to communicate with lot of fellow coders from all around the world.
  • Contributing to open source puts an all star to your resume.
  • And of course, the goodies from digital ocean which you can flex by wearing it to hackathon.


How can we apply?

  • Register for Hacktoberfest
  • Pick your favourite repositories and create pull request to them. You can see all the Swift projects registered for Hacktoberfest here.
  • You will need to get atleast 4 pull requests merged.
  • Once you create your PRs, you can check your progress on the Hacktoberfest website.
Note: Only first 40k participants get the reward. You can pick from either of the reward: A tree planted on your name or the Hacktober 2022 t-shirt.

Pointers to keep in mind

Quality > Quantity
  • When you start looking out for projects to contribute, checkout their "Issues" section to pick out something that the maintainer wanted to have in the project itself which could really help the project to grow.
  • When you create a PR, try to more details to the description of the PR. This will make it easy for maintainers to understand the code change.
  • Be proactive for maintainer's comments.
  • Avoid create empty PRs or non-significant contributions just for the sake of participation.

Top 5 open source iOS Repositories to start with

  • Moya: This is an enum based API abstraction layer that works in conjuction with Alamofire to create a robust network stack.
  • Eureka: This is form build which allows you to make complex forms with flexible configs.
  • Habitica-iOS: This is a gamified task manager app with 4.1 star rating on App Store.
  • ReduxMovieDB: This is an upcoming movie tracker made using ReSwift and RxSwift.
  • XcodesApp: This is a developer tool to download and manage multiple Xcode versions.

So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and apply for the Hacktoberfest.

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